Testing on Campus

Hygiene Tests and Environmental Tests

Hygiene Tests and Environmental Tests
Hygiene Tests and Environmental Tests

Occupational Hygiene Testing

Tel Aviv University understands the tremendous importance of conducting occupational hygiene testing and monitoring the various substances that can have a potential impact on environmental quality on campus and its environs. These tests are part of the business licensing requirements dictated to us by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor.


Occupational hygiene encompasses the recognition, evaluation, control and prevention of risk factors in the work environment and exposure conditions that impact employee health.


The types of tests performed on campus on a regular basis are air quality, electromagnetic radiation and radon gas.  Results of these tests have been found to be within normal limits.


Monitoring levels of chemical substances in laboratories

According to regulations of the Supervision Department of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the frequency of testing depends on the types of substances being tested.  In the tests conducted in recent years the levels of exposure found have been close to zero for chemical substances tested, and therefore authorization was given to conduct these tests once every two years.

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