Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Studies

Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Studies
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Studies

The Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences studies was founded in order to address the growing need for enriching our knowledge of environmental subjects, and therefore it develops and initiates innovative teaching and research spheres and places environmental issues on the academic agenda, and in both national and international public discourse.


At the Porter School for Environment and Earth Studies generates and inculcates environmental thinking on the subject of the reciprocal relationship between man and the environment, in an effort to improve it.  In this framework it successfully conducts research and practical associations between Tel Aviv University and other research institutions in Israel and abroad, with government ministries, industry, the private sector, the public sector and environmental organizations.


Academic activity

The Porter School of the Environment and Earth Studies offers advance degree programs on environmental subjects:  master’s programs (M.A./M.Sc.) and doctoral programs (Ph.D.) emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of environmental research, as this is studied and researched throughout the University’s various faculties.  The program of study is designed for students individually according to their research sphere.  In order to help students devote the maximum amount of time on quality and innovative research, the school awards grants to its outstanding students.



The school serves as a platform for encounters between different researchers dealing with environmental topics and helps create interdisciplinary partnerships, both within Tel Aviv University and outside.  Each year a call is published to support research on environmental subjects in order to allow them to be submitted later on to competitive research foundations.  Furthermore, efforts are made to assist environmental researchers who want to apply for funding for their studies from research foundations in the EU.


The School cooperates with roughly 100 faculty members and researchers from Tel Aviv University and other academic institutions and Israel and around the world who are dealing with various aspects related to environmental issues.


For additional information see: Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences.

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