Nature Campus

Nature Campus
Nature Campus

The Nature Campus at Tel Aviv University was established in order to promote public education on the subjects of science, nature and the environment, and to serve as a bridge between research and academic instruction and the general public.


What is unique about the Nature Campus is its special ability to integrate the infrastructures of the Natural History Collections, the Garden for Zoological Research and the Botanical Gardens.


Nature Campus activities

Activities cover 60 dunams of land and include group tours, publications, developing content and reading material, conducting in-service courses, academic leadership and supervision of scientific and environmental education projects, and more. 


These activities enhance a sense of respect toward nature, instill knowledge about evolutionary and ecological process and even provide insights regarding the complexity of nature. 


The Nature Campus offerings are geared toward the entire public - from school children and youth, to educators and green organizations to decision-makers, so that each one of them can be an intelligent and informed partner in issues relating to environmental protection and sustainable development.

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